Monday, September 6, 2010

McDonald's Bathrooms

"I did backpacking for 4 years in the middle east and Asia...
after 4 years I learned that the most amazing 2 words in traveling are:

McDonalds Bathrooms"

I read the Flying Solo website on a regular basis.  The forum on there had this interesting post today thanks to "Gabriel" sharing one of the gems of wisdom from his experience.  

But why?

Why does a McDonald's bathroom look like a shining light in a confusing and culturally diverse world.  Because, say what you like about McDonalds, you know what you are going to get (basically) before you walk in the door.  In the heat, hustle and bustle of a foreign culture, you sometimes need something familiar.  This is the essence of processes.  It's not about exceptional service but about consistent service, regardless of the department the service is coming from, the person it is coming from or, for soloists, the task you are doing.  If providing your main service or product with care yet the invoicing or payment is careless, you've sent a mixed message.  Keep it consistent, and consistent with who you are as an organisation.

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